Pre-compress assets with Gzip and Brotli
My host doesn’t compress assets on the fly, so I pre-compress them as part of my GitHub Actions workflow.
Using find
I could just find all compressible files, and run gzip
/ brotli
on them:
find public -type f -regextype posix-extended \
-iregex '.*\.(css|html|js|json|mjs|svg|webmanifest|xml)' \
-exec brotli --force --keep --output="{}.br" "{}" \;
Using make
But I love make
, so I ended up with this instead:
PUBLIC_DIR := public
COMPRESSIBLE_EXTENSIONS := css html js json mjs svg webmanifest xml
COMPRESSIBLE_FIND_INCLUDE := $(subst =, ,$(subst $(eval) , -o ,$(patsubst %,-iname='*.%',$(COMPRESSIBLE_EXTENSIONS))))
COMPRESSIBLE_FILES := $(shell find $(PUBLIC_DIR) -type f \( $(COMPRESSIBLE_FIND_INCLUDE) \) 2> /dev/null)
.PHONY: compress
compress: compress-gzip compress-brotli
@echo "Finished compressing files with Gzip!"
@echo "Finished compressing files with Brotli!"
@gzip -f -k $<
@printf "."
@brotli -f -o $@ $<
@printf "."